Sunday, December 1, 2013

Geek Trivia: Which Video Game Franchise Features Indestructible and Vengeful Chickens?

Technobiru :


Which Video Game Franchise Features Indestructible and Vengeful Chickens?

Legend of Zelda


Medal of Honor

Assassin's Creed

Answer: Legend of Zelda

Cuccos are the Hyrulian version of chickens and made their first appearance in The Legend of Zelda, A Link to the Past. Chickens in a village aren’t particularly notable, but what happens when you mess with the cuccos is: if you corner and attack one of them, a mass of cuccos, known informally by fans of the franchise as the “Cuccos Revenge Squad”, will descend upon you with a fury. The attack isn’t typically strong enough to kill you, but you learn quickly to leave the chickens alone.

The experience is so memorable that other games have included nods to the chickens-as-protected-class motif. If you kill the village chickens in the popular open-world fantasy game Skyrim, for example, the whole town usually turns out to beat you down.

Image courtesy of Nintendo.

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