Tuesday, December 3, 2013

org.json.JSONException: Duplicate key

Hello everyone! I need some precious help ...

I have the following XML file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<bpmn2:process id="defaultPackage.NewProcess2">


<bpmn2:userTask id="UserTask_1" name="User Task 1">




<bpmn2:userTask id="UserTask_2" name="User Task 2">






<bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="BPMNDiagram_1">


<bpmndi:BPMNShape id="BPMNShape_UserTask_1" bpmnElement="UserTask_1">

<dc:Bounds height="50.0" width="110.0" x="165.0" y="205.0"/>


<bpmndi:BPMNShape id="BPMNShape_UserTask_2" bpmnElement="UserTask_2">

<dc:Bounds height="50.0" width="110.0" x="550.0" y="203.0"/>




For each userTask node defined under <bpmn2:process> </bpmn2:process> tags, I want to get theire position which is defined by x, y coordinates, which are found under :

<bpmndi:BPMNShape id="BPMNShape_UserTask_1" bpmnElement="UserTask_1">

<dc:Bounds height="50.0" width="110.0" x="165.0" y="205.0"/>


inside <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram></bpmndi:BPMNDiagram> tags.

I want to append x, y coordinates to the JSON string I built to generate the attributes of every userTask node.

I tried the following code :

Java Code:

ArrayList<String> bpmnElements = getElementAttributes("bpmndi:BPMNShape", "bpmnElement");
for (int j = 0; j < bpmnElements.size(); j++)
String bpmnElement = bpmnElements.get(j);

ArrayList<String> idUserTask = getIds("bpmn2:userTask");

for(int l=0; l < idUserTask.size(); l++){

ArrayList<String> Xs = getElementAttributes ("dc:Bounds" , "x");
ArrayList<String> Ys = getElementAttributes ("dc:Bounds" , "y");

String x = Xs.get(j);
String y = Ys.get(j);


but I get the following exception:

org.json.JSONException: Duplicate key "x"

at org.json.JSONObject.putOnce(JSONObject.java:1121)

at org.json.JSONWriter.key(JSONWriter.java:207)

at Main.generateChildNodesDefinitions(Main.java:422)

at Main.main(Main.java:165)

This happens when I have more than one userTask node in my XML file, becouse when I have only one userTask node it gives me the correct output:

{"id":"UserTask_1","name":"User Task 1","x":"165.0","y":"205.0"}

When I have two or more userTask nodes in my xml file I want my output to be:

{"id":"UserTask_1","name":"User Task 1","x":"165.0","y":"205.0"}

{"id":"UserTask_2","name":"User Task 2","x":"550.0", "y":"203.0"}

I think my problem is because you I am setting the key jw.key("x").value(x);jw.key("y").value(y); for each iteration it will be like a duplicate .

I've tried almost everything to resolve this but no solution at all...

Any help please ...?

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