Monday, December 30, 2013

GUI Layout Problem

I'm programming a calculator using the Swing and AWT libraries, and I have three questions for you. The text field and the area for buttons on my calculator are positioned using a grid layout, however even though the text field is much smaller than the button area it still takes up as much space as the button area, and I don't want it to. (If you don't understand what I mean, look at the picture linked below). So how do I make it smaller?

My second question is: How do I create spaces between the buttons? I don't want them to be directly next to each other.

My third question is: Why does the text field become grey when I make it uneditable, and how do I prevent it from?

imgur: the simple image sharer

Thanks for helping me! :)

Java Code:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Calculator extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
private JTextField text = new JTextField(20);

private JButton oneButton = new JButton("1"), twoButton = new JButton("2"), threeButton = new JButton("3"), divisionButton = new JButton("/"); // First row.
private JButton fourButton = new JButton("4"), fiveButton = new JButton("5"), sixButton = new JButton("6"), multiplicationButton = new JButton("*"); // Second row.
private JButton sevenButton = new JButton("7"), eightButton = new JButton("8"), nineButton = new JButton("9"), subtractionButton = new JButton("-"); // Third row.
private JButton clearButton = new JButton("C"), zeroButton = new JButton("0"), equalsButton = new JButton("="), additionButton = new JButton("+"); // Fourth row.
private JButton squareButton = new JButton("x\u00B2"), exponentButton = new JButton("x\u207F"), rootButton = new JButton("\u221A"), eraseButton = new JButton("\u2190"); // Fifth row.

private JPanel textArea = new JPanel(), buttonArea = new JPanel();

public Calculator(){
setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));


buttonArea.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 4));
buttonArea.add(oneButton); buttonArea.add(twoButton); buttonArea.add(threeButton); buttonArea.add(divisionButton);
buttonArea.add(fourButton); buttonArea.add(fiveButton); buttonArea.add(sixButton); buttonArea.add(multiplicationButton);
buttonArea.add(sevenButton); buttonArea.add(eightButton); buttonArea.add(nineButton); buttonArea.add(subtractionButton);
buttonArea.add(clearButton); buttonArea.add(zeroButton); buttonArea.add(equalsButton); buttonArea.add(additionButton);
buttonArea.add(squareButton); buttonArea.add(exponentButton); buttonArea.add(rootButton); buttonArea.add(eraseButton);



public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
// I haven't started with the button functions yet :P

public static void main(String[] args){
Calculator run = new Calculator();

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