Dear Experts,
I've been doing internet searches and experimenting for
a good two hours now.
I'd like the code that would return an object's human readable name.
ie. myObject.getObjectsName();
Which would return the name of the object.
That is, the name of the object that I use as I code.
In the code below, I'm trying to find the correct code to return the string,
The results of the testing follow.
NO luck so far.
Is this possible in Java?
If so, what is the secret?
Thanks a lot!
public static void main(String []args) {
tictactoe game ;
game = new tictactoe();
System.out.println ("main") ;
System.out.println ( "game.getName() is: " + game.getName() ) ;
System.out.println ( " " );
System.out.println ( "game.btnTTT_01.toString() is: " + game.btnTTT_01.toString() ) ;
System.out.println ( "game.btnTTT_01.getName() is: " + game.btnTTT_01.getName () ) ;
System.out.println ( "game.btnTTT_01.getClass().getSimpleName() is: "
+ game.btnTTT_01.getClass().getSimpleName() ) ;
System.out.println ( "game.btnTTT_01.getClass().getCanonicalName() is: "
+ game.btnTTT_01.getClass().getCanonicalName() ) ;
System.out.println ( "game.btnTTT_01.getClass().getFields() is: "
+ game.btnTTT_01.getClass().getFields() );
} // end main
game.getName() is: frame0
game.btnTTT_01.toString() is: javax.swing.JButton[,1,1,130x103,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.5,border= javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource$CompoundBorderUI Resource@40055f9f,flags=296,maximumSize=,minimumSi ze=,preferredSize=,defaultIcon=,disabledIcon=,disa bledSelectedIcon=,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUI Resource[top=2,left=14,bottom=2,right=14],paintBorder=true,paintFocus=true,pressedIcon=,rol loverEnabled=true,rolloverIcon=,rolloverSelectedIc on=,selectedIcon=,text=,defaultCapable=true]
game.btnTTT_01.getName() is: null
game.btnTTT_01.getClass().getSimpleName() is: JButton
game.btnTTT_01.getClass().getCanonicalName() is: javax.swing.JButton
game.btnTTT_01.getClass().getFields() is: [Ljava.lang.reflect.Field;@6744719c
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